Jounaling Prompt | A peace offering to my body
In our BIPOC sharing circle with SNIWWOC this July, we talked about menstruation and dispelling myths and colonial beliefs. We talked about our cycles and the wisdom it carries. The practice connected us deeply with our body and womb space, supporting time to simply breathe and rest. In closing, we journaled a love letter or a peace offering to our body.
I first experienced this journal prompt in 2019 during the Girlvana Yoga training in New York City, led by Alex Mazzerole. This experience came into my life at the right moment with the right people, creating a healing container to process things I have held onto since my adolescence - mainly negative stereotypes and shame of my skin color and body. I wrote during my post-partum phase with my second daughter.
Take some time to connect to the words you would like to offer your beautiful body…
A peace offering to my body
Dearest Body,
I write to you to express my deepest gratitude to you for carrying me on this earth for almost 31 years. I would like to reconcile with you and restore a peaceful balance between mind-body-spirit. The only way I know how to do this is to honor you for everything you have offered me and continue to provide me in this world - A safe, strong, and vibrant vessel to navigate through the joy and sorrows of my existence.
I am sorry for speaking negatively and feeling anything less than reverent for your boundless capabilities. For this, I ask for our forgiveness. On behalf of society - I apologize to you for believing that brown skin is lesser than. I cannot destroy the hate that exists towards your color and your heritage. I cannot change how it has been sexualized, fetishized, or thought of and treated as disposable: bought, sold, beaten, or murdered. I can only protect you and your energy, build strength, restore your roots, and celebrate you.
You are sacred - so sacred and powerful that you were given the gift of bearing beautiful and pure children. From your cells are the cells of your beloved and the seeds of creation and manifested prayers. From your womb through your sacred channel blossomed a new generation of future ancestors. From your small breasts, you created a bounty of liquid gold to nurture and sustain these gifts from the Creator. You, beautiful body have morphed in size and shape to hold these waters and layers of protection to safely house precious beings. Be patient for the time it takes your organs, tissues, and bones to reclaim their natural alignment and move with ease again. Know that there is no “pre-baby” body that needs to be manipulated or restored because you are stronger than ever! Your body has carried two spirits in one body - two sacred heartbeats and the universal song and flow of the natural world.
Your strong arms and broad shoulders serve a purpose to carry your ancestors’ dreams and values backward and forward in space and time. It behooves you to release the burden of trauma that is not your pain to hold on to or carry. Always remember resiliency is embedded into your DNA. Your curves, your scars, your hurts, your joy, your strength, your weaknesses create the wholeness and fullness of who you are. Honor them.
With this peace offering, I commit to being more in tune and connected with you and your needs. I commit to caring for you - moving, flowing, breathing, dreaming, and seeking care and guidance. I vow to continue seeking out the dim or dull cells and working ceremonially to light them up from the inside out.
With respect, love, and kindness,
Your mind & spirit