Jessica Barudin
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Yoga Teaching & Wellness Journey

Jessica first practiced yoga in high school to supplement her basketball training as a student-athlete. Once she began college and university, yoga and running were foundational practices and outlets for her mental and emotional health. She dove deeper into her yoga practice when she lost her father at the age of 19 and continued throughout other experiences of grief and heartbreak. Jessica started her journey into teacher training in 2012 and has been practicing, teaching, and studying yoga asana and philosophy since then. Her commitment to her yoga practice has supported her journey of becoming a mother and has provided a foundation for her ceremonial commitments, including helping and participating in various healing ceremonies, including the Sundance, fasting, and Sweat lodge.

Jessica has offered yoga and meditation classes, wellness series, and workshops to a variety of First Nations, Inuit, and Metis peoples of all ages, as well as to many organizations, institutions, corporate and non-profit groups.

Yoga is a process and a goal – it is the skill in action of being fully present, in every action, in every moment. My yoga practice is a place where I meet and release myself over and over again.
— Jessica Barudin

Training & Education

Jessica started her practice at the age of 15 in Vancouver, BC, and has been practicing for almost 20 years. She began her formal yoga teacher training in 2012 during her Master of Physical Therapy training at McGill University, during which she completed more than 1000 clinical training hours with a focus on community-based rehabilitation, sports medicine, pediatric neurorehabilitation, and cardiorespiratory rehabilitation.

Jessica has also immersed herself in the study of Yoga, trauma-informed teaching, and Indigenous wellness practices through her doctoral research, titled: “Braiding Knowledge Through Breath, language, and Movement: Culturally-adapted, Trauma-informed yoga for First Nations Women”. Learn more about her doctoral journey here.


The practice of yoga has supported my well-being and through difficult emotions. I practiced yoga to learn more about myself before I was introduced to healing ceremonies. Yoga principles and practices have supported my healing through grief, unresolved trauma, and provided a deeper connection to myself. I love sharing this gift with others and witnessing how they can create a safe space and comfort within their own breath and body.

/  Jessica Barudin  /